Current Openings:

Part Time

Part Time leading to full time (over the next year)

Full Time


To get started finding out if you are a good fit to become our next trainee, read over this website (especially the jobs page).  Watch the video here and perhaps some of the others on the video page.

We do not need you to prepare a formal resume, however we are required to get a complete 10-year job history.  This will include the contact person at each company.

Training Pay starts at $23/hr.

Experienced operators earn between $25-$30 per hour.

Our sweepers do not require a CDL.

To start the process send us an email with your 10-year job history to

We will respond.   Put “Future Operator” in the subject line.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Grayson Carter and Samantha Carter

Peloton Sweeping Service is proud of our extraordinary equipment operators. After all, we send our people into the neighborhoods of our customers. This is where they live, and their children play. Our customers must absolutely trust them to operate safely and to the highest standards.

What we do affects property values and improves the quality of life in the neighborhoods we service.

We take this trust seriously in a number of ways.

First, we rigorously screen our applicants:

  • Drug tests
  • 10 year DMV checks
  • Background checks
  • Aptitude tests

Second, to advance your career, we train like no one else in the industry:

  • Our in-house training program covers all areas
  • Extensively illustrated syllabus
  • Custom and industry videos
  • All operators must be Nationally Certified or working towards it


(Becoming NAPSA Certified includes a 12-hour course, final exam, oral exam AND 1,000 hours of accident/injury free sweeper operation.  Peloton Sweeping was heavily involved in drafting this national course.)

Third, we follow up with ongoing updates:NAPSA Take 5

  • Re-training
  • Cross training
  • Weekly updates
  • Documentation of completion

Safety training is not a “set it and forget it” process.   This is part of our budget, a formularized system, and part of our culture.


Operators enjoy doing most of their paperwork on their smart phone. This includes the daily equipment pre-start check lists, time cards, and job routing.


All Peloton street sweepers are GPS tracked and equipped with dash-cams, so your good work is documented and verified.  It’s no secret that good operators love the electronic back-up.

Our equipment is clean, upgraded and well maintained.

Previous experience is not required.  You could be a carpet cleaner, tractor operator, ex-military or store manager and we will train you for a new career.

We understand you will have concerns about how your current employer will react when they discover you are looking for a new opportunity.  We respect this and will honor your privacy.   We also fully anticipate (at the appropriate time)  you giving your current employer ample notice and respect.


The pay and benefits information will be posted when a position is available.  Until then we encourage you to watch the short video above about day-time sweeping careers.  If you still have an interest, send us an email with “Future Operator” in the subject line.  We will reach out the next time a position becomes available.

If by chance you are willing to relocate – there are current sweeper positions at great companies all over the country.  Visit the 1-800-SWEEPER jobs site and follow the instructions.


If you are active, transitioning or ex-military you are at the right place. The discipline, grit, intelligence of military personnel fit right in at Peloton Sweeping.   However, if we are not hiring we encourage you to:

  1. Send us the email listed above
  2. Go to  The Hire Target website for their free book download on getting hired.

A co-author of 'The Hire Tactics'  book series,  LtCol Tom Stein USMC, Retired, is a good friend of Peloton Sweeping.  During his twenty-year career LtCol Stein flew CH-46 Helicopters off carriers all over the world.  Leadership, training, maintenance, logistics, and teamwork are skills that translate very well to civilian companies.


So why would Peloton Sweeping give you resources to find a great career if someday we might be in need of your services?  What goes around comes around.  You may still be a fit in the future or as a leader you might even join the Board of an HOA someday and be our customer.


Privacy Notice:

If you are currently employed, we respect the fact you do not want to jeopardize your position by exploring other opportunities.  Your privacy is important to us as well. Changing careers is a big deal. If you are considering it, the right timing can make the difference.  If you are still 2-6 months from wanting a change, it is not too early to start the conversation.