Meet Peloton Sweeping
Who we serve, who we are, where we came from.
We are just like you…
If you are reading this you are probably a community volunteer. You are part of the 20% in that famous (or infamous) 80/20 rule where the 20% step up and make things go. Somehow joining “The Board” seemed obvious as it’s only one meeting a month. How much work can it be? Stop laughing.
True to breed, you also run little leagues, soccer teams, scout packs, booster clubs, and PTAs. Then at work, you either own the company or work as if you did. We get you! We are just like you.

What kind of sweeping company are we?
There are six kinds of sweeping. While there is some overlap, each has different equipment and skill sets.
- Parking Lot Sweeping
- Construction Site Sweeping
- Highway and Roadway Sweeping
- Municipal Street Sweeping
- Indoor and Warehouse Sweeping
- Private Community Sweeping
Our leadership team has decades of experience in all six types of sweeping. When we formed Peloton Sweeping it was very intentional to specialize in the unique needs of private communities. Homeowners Associations and Mobile Home Parks make up 90% of our customers.
What is “good enough” on a construction site – is just the start on an HOA. Picking up litter at night at Walmart when no one is watching is very different from sweeping an upscale community during the day.
Who operates our equipment?
We start with quality people that fit our culture. We then put them through the wringer with 10 year DMV checks, physicals, drug tests, back-ground checks and even a validated profile that tests the likelihood of success in our industry. Don’t feel bad for them; finding out early if they will thrive as a sweeper operator is a gift.
We then train, train, train. Not only is our in-house training extensive and ongoing, all our operators must be Certified by the North American Power Sweeping Association (NAPSA) or working towards the certification.
Every private community deserves operators of this quality. This is where you live and your children play. We believe having the safest operators possible is the only choice.
Where does the buck stop?
Founder, President, and CXO (Chief Experience Officer) is Mark Carter.
Mark has been involved in the sweeping industry since the 1980s. He is a frequent speaker at the National Pavement Expo, a past president and current Board Secretary of NAPSA. He was on the Award Winning CAI-OC Publications committee for almost ten years and even served on the CAI-OC Board.
Mark headed the NAPSA committee that wrote the original industry certification for sweeping companies. He is currently involved with the updated (American National Standards Institute “ANSI” approved) industry standard working on the ongoing education for sweeping company owners and managers.
As project coordinator for, Mark helped combine the experience of 30+ sweeping professionals to create the national certification courses for sweeper operators/drivers. He then took the courses himself. “I can’t expect my people to do what I’m not willing to do”.
In 2011 as a Founding Board Member Mark helped establish 1-800-SWEEPER, a marketing, buying and benchmarking co-op now representing over 54 companies, 1,500 pieces of equipment and 2,000 employees. He served on the board of directors for seven years.
In 2018 Mark received the first North American Power Sweeping Association Lifetime Achievement Award.
In 2019 he was awarded the Alan Curtis Industry Service Award and was inducted into the Pavement Industry Hall of Fame.